Representative Stephen Owens Candidate for 31st Senate District
I am truly honored to run to be your next Kansas Senator in the 31st District. It is time for our conservative priorities to once again return to this Senate district.
In 2018, I knew I was supposed to challenge the incumbent for the 74th House District. Since winning that primary as an “unknown” conservative challenger, I have Represented the district to the best of my ability, relentlessly giving it my all and now serve in various capacities such as:
Chairman - House Corrections / Juvenile Justice Committee
Chairman - Kansas Truth Caucus (https://www.kansastruthcaucus.org/)
Member: Judiciary Committee & Appropriations Committee
It truly takes team effort to create policy. As I share some of the legislation I have sponsored that passed, it is important to realize it was far more than just my work that got it done. Here are a few:
Consistently voted to reduce your tax burden while still balancing the budget!
Fought for Individual Liberty during the Covid Lockdowns by providing exemptions to life changing mandates
Led the charge in reforming the Civil Asset Forfeiture Code ensuring Law Enforcement was well represented.
Supported our community by ensuring Mirror Inc. received $2.5 Million to create an inpatient juvenile substance use treatment facility for South-Central Kansas.
Increased penalties for Fentanyl distribution and endangering children
Increased penalties for the injuring and killing of police animals with a veto override
Increased access to drug treatment and mental health treatment throughout Kansas
Led the conservative charge at every turn by limiting government growth and fighting for traditional values.
And so much more….
After nearly 20 years, it is time for new leadership in the 31st Senate district. I would appreciate your support on Tuesday, November 5th!

Pro-Family - Pro-Business - Pro-KANSAS
Currently Representing the 74th House District
Including the towns of Hesston, Halstead, Burrton, Moundridge, Canton, Lehigh, Hillsboro, Peabody, Walton and Goessel!
Running for the 31st Senate District
Including all of Harvey County and Northern Sedgwick County
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